the Moglass Kogda vse zveri zhili kak dobrye sosedi
[ ns06 / CDr ]In ‘Kogda Vse Zveri Zhili Kak Dobrye Sosedi’ (Russian for When All the Animals (in Russian – a homonym for Beasts) Lived As Good Neighbours) The Moglass continue to explore a field they these days prefer to call a ‘personal folk’ (arguing that in their case the usage of other obscure but meaningless terms such as ‘psych’ and ‘postrock’ and ‘improv’ and /god forgive!/ ‘spacerock’ would be more explainable but similarly worthless). Actually in this album their music shares with folk nothing but sincerity and usage of drones. So after being in frames of minimalist guitar rock in early nineties and then alternating the seasons of almost idm-like tonal electronica and noisy though not harsh soundscaping The Moglass came to the spontaneity of improvised drone music.
This time their music traces out the line converged on the [personal] past and simultaneously wraps it with its immovability. Portraits become landscapes here embosoming themselves. These portraits of the monsters of the past were animated to establish the good-neighbourliness with them. The names of the monsters aren’t that important – so only couple of them have ones: Gveli and Veshapi – two archaic ancestors of old-Georgian dragon Gvelishapi. But most of the monsters remain unnamed.
Few warm mid-august nights of year 2000 (when improvisations included in the album were recorded) established an auspicious setting for such experience. Two simultaneously sounding basses, a guitar, an old fm yamaha and lots of reverb (not unusual but effective setup) recorded live (with few overdubs added) built a scene for communication. Sometimes we can hear voices – it’s hard to say if these are the monsters’ voices or they hear them with us (in their real life or in memories). So who’s on this scene: performers, listeners or the monsters of the both depends on the fact who listens this short (30+ min) but dense album.
This record was initially intended to be released on vinyl.
The Moglass discography:
- H.Rabbit on v/a what’s next [1999,Novi Zapisi]
- Saliva [2000]
- Last year song on v/a Salection [2000,Sale]
- Synchronocity/Seriality on v/a post winter salection [2001,Sale]
- Fifties Brickwork on v/a Polivox Populi [2002,Sale/Nexsound]
- split 3″ with Nihil Est eXcellence [2001, Nexsound]
- Vlntn on v/a Devastation [2002, Evasto Media]
- Kogda vse zhili kak dobrye sosedi [2002,Nexsound]
- Telegraph poles are getting smaller and smaller as the distance growth [2003,Nexsound]
track list:
- A2
- A3
- B1