Alla Zagaykevych To escape, to breathe, to keep silence
[ ns47 / mp3 ]“To escape, to breathe, to keep silence” is a multimedia work that aims to reveal with art means a process of human self-identification in an imaginary “city environment”.
The work consists from different culture layers with different means of expression – folk and contemporary academy singing; violin play that combine “new virtuosity” of academy music and authentic impromptu manner of performance that is concentrated on deconstruction of city environment; multifunction assembly; electric music that is based on records of city and nature noises, synthesized timbres and samples of authentic singing. All these aim to reveal complicated relations between Individual and City.
What is the actual human environment? Urban accumulation of destroying power? A collection of different times cultures? A human shelter? A shelter of the very life? Three parts of the work “To escape, to breathe, to keep silence” are connected with initial images of movements, states, feelings that are immanently presented in human mind. What does an individual escape from?.. Where?.. What does his silence speak about?.. What about his breath?..
- To Escape
Sergiy Okhrimchuk, violin
Alla Zagaykevych , recording and live computer - To Breathe
Natalka Polovynka, voice
Alla Zagaykevych , recording and live computer - To Keep Silence
Petro Tovstukha, piano
Alla Zagaykevych , recording and live computer - cover
“This is a 45 minutes long record. Each track is 15 minutes long composition. First part of this trilogy is electronics with violin, second part – with voice, and third part with piano. All three parts are a hyperactive ball of sounds and their follows and consequences that are not rational at a glance. “To escape” is distorted and convulsive music, “To breathe” – muted and arrect and “To keep silence” – falling down to eternal air pits. Events happen in few dimensions at the same time: we hear tiny pricks of piano or violin shade away by electronics, or a sudden foreside blow of electronics with acoustic groans and scrabbles on the background. This is a very hard to listen “avant-guard” music, however attractive, exile, big and weird at the same time.
This music speaks with us but not on human language of suburban logic, it speaks on its own subjectively ideal tongue.”
on archive.org
Cover design by Zavoloka