the Moglass Sparrow Juice
[ ns45 / CD ]The group under the Moglass came into being in 1997, in Kharkiv / Ukraine. New records of the Moglass are spontaneous improvisations, mostly live records, which by no means always can be called free-noise because sometimes they are very gentle and melodic.
Up to date they released 6 full-lengths and various compilation appearances, have collaborations and recordings with Tom Carter (Charalambides), Vanessa Arn (Primordial Undermind), Anla Courtis (Reynols), Andrey Kiritchenko, Kotra. Toured with Jackie O’ Motherfucker, My Cat Is An Alien.
the Moglass are:
Yuri Kulishenko(aka Paul Kust) – electric guitar /acoustic guitar /bass
guitar /computers /synth /voice /treatments /field recordings /mixing /editing;
Oleg Kovalchuk(aka ok01) – synths /field recordings /electric guitar /treatments;
Vladimir Bovtenko – alto saxophone
cover design: Nastasia Terekhova and Paul Kust